But now David is on the run, with his team of special
operatives, to locate missing nuclear warheads – playing a lethal shell game
hoping to find to the nukes before Israel is incinerated in a fanatic-fueled
Joel Rosenberg’s Damascus
Countdown takes up where The Tehran
Initiative left off, with Agent Shirazi rubbing shoulders with the Arab
elite while trying to get information on the extremely dangerous plans of the
mysterious Twelfth Imam.
While Shirazi
meets with a top aide of the Imam at the Jamkaran Mosque, the Israeli’s strike,
determined to take out the nuclear threat to their safety. An all out war has started in the
Middle East, and Shirazi is in the center of it.
Rosenberg presents of view of Middle East politics liberally
dosed with Muslim fanaticism that is truly hair raising. And believable. He knows his stuff. It would not be a stretch to close the
cover of Damascus Countdown and see
similar events unfold on a CNN broadcast.
Eschatology, both Muslim and Christian, is woven throughout
this thriller with a validity that not only drives the plot forward but gives
credibility to the spiritual aspects of the events that play out. Rosenberg does not shy away from end
time prophecy, nor does he back off from prominently displaying the faith of
his Christian characters – especially David Shirazi, a recent convert to
Christianity, who is not afraid to share his faith with the men with whom he
is facing death.
The story flies forward at an incredible pace, with barely
time to catch a breath. The action
in Rosenberg’s Damascus Countdown, like
his previous books in this series (The
Twelfth Imam, The Tehran Initiative), moves like an Israeli Air Force
scramble. You won’t be able
to turn the pages fast enough.
Damascus Countdown
is a tight political thriller populated with characters who are smart and gutsy. It’s a nail-biter for sure but also
inspires with its faith-filled message.
Well written review. The book sounds fascinating.